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RAM Connection

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Merge multiple connections which happen at one joint

I had a connection that required a shear connection framing from one beam, a moment connection from another beam and a horizontal brace from another beam all at one column. The detailer needed a combined detail merged as one. As another example, w...
about 2 months ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review

HSS beam to Wide Flange column

Currently for beam to column connections, if the beam is HSS then the column must also be HSS. This is very limiting. It would be nice to allow HSS beam to WF column connections. The forces are often shear, moment & torsion. It would be great ...
4 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Designing a Vertical X-brace connection with one member continuous

99% of the details I have seen for vertical x-bracing shows one member continuous. I design a lot of connections for a steel fabricator and I am always required to perform a hand calc or 2 ram connection calcs with one being the horizontal X-brace...
10 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Planned

Column and Beam Splice connection considering seismic provision AISC 341

Please Incorporate the Splice Connections consider the seismic provisions from AISC 341-10 codes in RAM connection software. This will be very useful for High seismic zone.
12 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Planned

Grouping joints as similar type.

In this version, each joints are designed after they are selected as per each type but too many case should be designed manually. Interface of RAM is great but it takes much time to input all the data of joints. Suggested as below; 1. Joint grou...
about 2 years ago in RAM Connection 2 Planned

Allow gusset BASE PLATE connections to be assigned at corner columns connected to braces in two directions.

Currently, there is no way to design a gusset base plate connection if the column base has braces coming into it from 2 different planes. You can't even assign 2 separate connections, one for each plane, like you can at CBB joints.
about 1 year ago in RAM Connection 0 Planned

Allow to design double angle or single angle connection design. Within vertical truss, or as beam to beam connections

No description provided
about 1 year ago in RAM Connection 2 Needs review

inclusion of triangular stiffener to baseplate

It is already widely used
almost 2 years ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review

Provision of doubler plate for column flange from back side in Moment connection template as per AISC code.

No description provided
about 1 year ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Bolted flange plates at BOTH flanges for beam-to-girder connections

For bolted flange plate beam-to-girder configurations, RAM currently uses a bolted flange plate only at the top flange, and shows a CJP weld for the bottom flange to girder web. We often will use flange plates at BOTH beam flanges. It would be gre...
7 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review