Section 2204.3 of the 2022 California Building Code requires anchor-bolt bending to be considered for shear transfer with a base-plate with oversized holes. Please add this check / design to Ram Connection.
Designing a Vertical X-brace connection with one member continuous
99% of the details I have seen for vertical x-bracing shows one member continuous. I design a lot of connections for a steel fabricator and I am always required to perform a hand calc or 2 ram connection calcs with one being the horizontal X-brace...
a. Integration with Revit (similar to RAM Structural System, see above).
b. Integration with Hilti, Simpson, or Dewalt for base plate design modules (see RAM Elements above).
c. Adding in the ability to design non-standard steel connections woul...
Allow user to see controlling limit state without opening the detailed report.
We should have the ability to see at least what limit state or element of the connection is failing without having to open the results output, which is very slow and time-consuming. If we were provided a small list of elements/limit states, we cou...
Make text corrections for Results Output at Geometric Considerations.
Ram Connection provides output including "Geometric Considerations". The descriptive labels are incorrect. I suggest that Bentley, Ram Connection make corrections. The Output notes "external" and "internal" flanges. The Help section notes "top" an...
Column and Beam Splice connection considering seismic provision AISC 341
Please Incorporate the Splice Connections consider the seismic provisions from AISC 341-10 codes in RAM connection software. This will be very useful for High seismic zone.
Allow gusset BASE PLATE connections to be assigned at corner columns connected to braces in two directions.
Currently, there is no way to design a gusset base plate connection if the column base has braces coming into it from 2 different planes. You can't even assign 2 separate connections, one for each plane, like you can at CBB joints.