Please add an option in RAM Modeler > Layout > Foundations > Mat > Geometry to "Change Polygon". Currently, the only option is to "Modify Coordinates". It would be much faster to have a GUI that lets users snap to grid or construction ...
Models with large quantities of sideplate connections exhibit huge delays when changing between operations (show member info, view update, assignments, etc.). This extends to the concrete module which has nothing to do with steel. This issue has p...
When the bottom of the Column is a foundation and user elects to use Col forces from RAM Concept whereby no Concept forces/moments and therefore RSS will use RAM Conc Analysis(for Col bottom forces and those moments are always negative), for a lac...
Shear Wall Design Groups and Reinforcement gets deleted if I change f'c or stiffness modifiers or thicknesses.
Please revise shear wall module to not automatically delete sections cuts, groups, wall reinforcing, etc. when I change f'c, wall stiffness modifiers, or thicknesses.
When modeling braced frames on structures with sloping roofs, you are forced to model the diaphragm at one level without slope for proper lateral load application; this causes the brace geometry to be wrong. It would be nice to be able to model th...
RAM SS-Foundations modeled/adjustments in Foundation Module
It would be a time saver to not require reanalysis of the building for changing/adding a foundation element or their properties, by allowing modeling to be conducted in the foundation module.
Please add selection set presets for groups of load cases in the analyze dialogue in RAM Frame. I always have at least groups of load combos for strength and groups for deflection, and sometimes have groups for modal analysis. It would be great to...