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RAM Structural System

Showing 71

Slab Penetration Layout - Adjustable View Box

In RAM Modeler, the Layout>Slab>Slab Penetration Layout dialog box is not adjustable - it would be beneficial to be able to make this view different sizes when you work on a project with a large amount of slab penetrations. For example the a...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Flexibility in modifying the tributary height for Wind Load exposure for buildings with varying levels of diaphragms

RAM wind load currently gets applied taking the trib height as half the difference between the two levels. It would be tremendously useful if there was an option to modify the trib height, thereby playing with full height or partial height exposur...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 for steel structures

Betonarme binaların projelendirmesi ile birlikte çelik binaların projelendirilmesinde de kendi ülke standart ve kurallarını kullanmak, mühendislerimiz için kolaylık ve rahatlık sağlayacak, programlarınızın ülkemiz içerisinde kullanımının yaygınlaş...
8 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 and TS 500

Türkiye de yaşayan mühendislerin programlarınızı kendi ülke standart ve kurallarına göre daha rahat kullanabilmeleri ve bunun paralelinde programlarınızın kullanım oranlarının artması doğrultusunda eklenmesi yaralı olacaktır.
8 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Clear column sizes in modeler elevation view.

When running schematic designs, I want to reset sizes when adding additional lateral frames. Currently, the only way to clear out sizes is to fence plan by plan. It would be much faster to do this by elevation.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM SS - All Modules

Add the Modeler Features "Set Show Options" and "Measure Distance" tools to all of the the other RAM SS Modules.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM Concrete Beam Module - Copy Reinforcing

Provide a command to copy beam span reinforcing for beam span to adjacent Beam Line similar to the "Copy beam line to beam line." This is a "time saving" feature. This feature would need to "overlook" beam lentgh differeces.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM Concrete Beam Module - Effective Depth d for different Beam Directions

It is common to set the primary steel effective depth "d" at one depth for all beams in one direction (ie, North / South). The used a different effective "d2" depth for the transverse beams reinforcing steel (ie, East / West) to pass below. This c...
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAMSS - Specify Joist Self Weights

Joist self weights are not included in the analysis by default due to varying manufacturer SWs, but you could allow us to specify a self weight in the beam module under the criteria/joists menu.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM Structural System - Ability to apply RAM Concept custom template to Concept module in RSS

When using the RAM Concept module within RAM Structural System, the program forces you to use the default layers and settings in RAM Concept. However, if you have a heavily customized template for Concept, there's no way to apply it to the level e...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review