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RAM Structural System

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Numerous Suggestions

allow for snow and roof live loads in the same model more intuitiveness in the software to resolve small dimensional differences remove modules and allow layout and analysis to be performed in the same space create a better GUI interface for addin...
about 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 3 Needs review

RAM needs to calculate embodied carbon!

We are increasingly being asked to assess options on the basis of carbon intensity. It would save many engineers lots of time if RAM SS & RAM Concept had the capability of calculating embodied carbon. It is a very simple addition - it could be...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Future consideration

Cancel Last Point

The ability to cancel last point when drawing an area load, deck assignment or mat foundation like you can in RAM Concept. It's especially frustrating when drawing a mat foundation and you accidentally click the wrong point and have to start over ...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Needs review

Click and hold mouse wheel to drag and pan model like in Bluebeam, ETABS, SAP, RISA, or Autodesk.

It would be useful so that we can accurately navigate the model. It is a real pain to navigate RAM as it is and it is much easier in competitors programs. Right now you click and hold the mouse wheel to navigate left and right but it is difficult ...
about 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 2 Future consideration

Concrete Column view/update options

Within the concrete column view update, the following improvements to be implemented - Display the story name (i.e. PH Roof) instead of just story number, including the size. The ability to change the size and even define new sizes (e.g. 18x36, 18...
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Account for wall transfer loads on one-way deck

As far as I am aware, RSS does not track the load transfer when a wall is sitting on a one-way deck without a supporting beam or wall directly below. The loads from the wall above the deck is "lost". My firm does a lot of multi-family construction...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM SS-Option to turn off transverse beams bracing the bottom flange of support member

Similar to RAMS beam, I'd like an option to globally or individually turn off the bottom flange bracing of beams framing into a support member in the Gravity module. This is somewhat taken care of in the lateral frame module, where you can assign ...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Ability to move end points of Line Load

Similar to having handles on area loads, the ability to graphically move line (and point) loads would be really really helpful.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Planned

Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 for steel structures

Betonarme binaların projelendirmesi ile birlikte çelik binaların projelendirilmesinde de kendi ülke standart ve kurallarını kullanmak, mühendislerimiz için kolaylık ve rahatlık sağlayacak, programlarınızın ülkemiz içerisinde kullanımının yaygınlaş...
6 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Turkish Building Earthquake Code 2018 and TS 500

Türkiye de yaşayan mühendislerin programlarınızı kendi ülke standart ve kurallarına göre daha rahat kullanabilmeleri ve bunun paralelinde programlarınızın kullanım oranlarının artması doğrultusunda eklenmesi yaralı olacaktır.
6 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review