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RAM Structural System

Showing 111 of 244

Continuous Footing - Option to not consider perpendicular footings

Provide an option so that perpendicular footing loads are not applied to the continuous footing. I'm not sure I understand why the program does this in the first place. It seems like you are accounting for the load twice under the current rules.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Remove 0 stress limit from displayed wall stresses in Frame

When viewing wall stresses in RAM Frame, I would like the ability to set the lower bound above 0. This allows me to set a pass/fail stress test. For example, if I’m interested in 0.163 ksi (which I am), I want to set the upper AND lower bound to 0...
13 days ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Lateral Drift Load Combinations for Wind

There seems to be a fundamental problem with lateral drift for wind in RAM Frame. Currently, accounting for lateral drift in accordance with ASCE 7, Appendix CC "Serviceability Considerations" requires some juggling. To follow this procedure, one ...
27 days ago in RAM Structural System 2 Needs review

Allow construction grids to be converted to primary grids or provide new primary grid tools

Pretty self explanatory. Allow the user to convert a construction grid to a primary gird element. Grids are constantly changing throughout the design process due to requirements for columns to shift/etc. The tools for modifying primary grid system...
4 months ago in RAM Structural System 1 Future consideration

Change the way data is exported to CSV/Excel format

Currently when the user exports data to CSV, it's basically a text version of the pdf data output. The organization of data is difficult to post-process because the data has page headers based on load cases and combinations (among other items). At...
5 months ago in RAM Structural System 2 Needs review

Wall Design - too many redundant design warnings

I don't need multiple design warnings for the same condition. For example, I have an out-of-plane shear strength warning for one of my segments. I have 26 warnings (associated with 26 combinations) for the same condition. The "worst" one listed in...
6 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Allow Pseudo-Diaphragm Loads to be applied to beam-only frame lines

Currently RAM Frame only applies pseudo-diaphragm loads to beam/column frame lines that include columns and the loads are subdivided based on the column tributary areas, not the beams. However, in many cases, collectors need to be detailed for var...
10 months ago in RAM Structural System 2 Future consideration

Only show column size tag once if column is continuous floor-to-floor.

In SColumn 3D view, viewing the column sizes shows labels at each floor. The labels often overlap (especially at HSS columns) and it is difficult to see. Recommend only showing the size tag once if the column is not spliced. Other parameters (Lb, ...
about 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Assign HSS Column Series

In the Column module, you should be able to assign HSS Column series to be checked (such as HSS5X5, HSS6x6, HSS7x7) similar to how you can assign a specific Wx column series to be checked.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 1 Already exists

Applying lateral line loads over a beams or columns under Wind load case

Applying lateral line loads over beams or columns under Wind load case. Can we apply line loads over beams or columns under the Wind load case? Attached snip for ref. Since grid A is the outer face of the building we have a roof canopy beyond grid...
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 1 Future consideration