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RAM Structural System

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Clear column sizes in modeler elevation view.

When running schematic designs, I want to reset sizes when adding additional lateral frames. Currently, the only way to clear out sizes is to fence plan by plan. It would be much faster to do this by elevation.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM SS - All Modules

Add the Modeler Features "Set Show Options" and "Measure Distance" tools to all of the the other RAM SS Modules.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM Concrete Beam Module - Copy Reinforcing

Provide a command to copy beam span reinforcing for beam span to adjacent Beam Line similar to the "Copy beam line to beam line." This is a "time saving" feature. This feature would need to "overlook" beam lentgh differeces.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM Concrete Beam Module - Effective Depth d for different Beam Directions

It is common to set the primary steel effective depth "d" at one depth for all beams in one direction (ie, North / South). The used a different effective "d2" depth for the transverse beams reinforcing steel (ie, East / West) to pass below. This c...
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM SS - Tapered Columns & Beams

Add a Tapered Column and Beam design options to all of RAM SS modules
almost 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

RAM SS - Frame Module - Massing of elments

Add a feature to allow the mass from elements to be associated with other multiple diaphragms on the same level.
almost 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Incorporate Floorvibe version 3.1 into RAM Structural System beam design module.

Floorvibe version 3.1 utilizes analysis procedures in the 2nd Edition of AISC Design Guide 11, while version 3.0 is based on the 1st Edition. Calculations based on the 1st edition tend to underpredict vibration for walker paces less than 100 steps...
almost 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Planned

Curved beam or curved slab edge

Most building structures has curve edge of curved beam. Please add a feature to model curved beam or slab edge. Also, design of curved members specially using concrete and steel material.
about 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Will not implement

Wheel zoom should zoom into the spot that the cursor is at on the screen.

When using the mouse wheel to zoom in or out, the screen should zoom in where the cursor is. RAM is the only software I have ever used that zooms in and out to a random, arbitrary, undefined point and it is very difficult to zoom in close to objec...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 2 Future consideration

RAM Frame - Find by element and graphically display shell element numbers & mesh warnings

Whenever RAM Frame gives a warning about distorted shell elements, the report log provides a list of the affected elements and their coordinates. However, the only way to identify these elements graphically is to move the cursor to the coordinates...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Future consideration