It is well documented that all slabs undergo a variety of loading combinations during construction when the concrete has not yet achieved its target design strength. In the UK this is commonly during the second and third weeks, following the slab being cast, and the loads are often much higher than the Ultimate Design load for the permanent state during the slabs lifecycle, as demonstrated below from back propping:
Currently there is no function within RAM to undertake strength checks for these early age 'temporary' loading scenarios. Furthermore, we are regularly asked to check for construction loadings from Screens, Placing Booms, Canti Decks, Mast Climbers and Table Lifting Systems all of which occur within the first month of construction.
This could be easily facilitated within RAM Concept by creating load combinations to represent the temporary loading conditions and the provision of an option within the load combination dialogue area to input the predicted age or strength of the concrete to consider for that combination, in isolation. This way the Temporary loading for back propping and any construction loading sequence can be safely checked.
The only alternative to this at the moment is by creating separate models which makes checking and increasing the reinforcement demands, if any, difficult with the permanent works design model.