When viewing wall stresses in RAM Frame, I would like the ability to set the lower bound above 0. This allows me to set a pass/fail stress test. For example, if I’m interested in 0.163 ksi (which I am), I want to set the upper AND lower bound to 0.163 ksi. Also, it would be more convenient if I could type the target value similar to the concrete module. As it stands, I still see a range of tension contours but I only want the single value.
I was using this application for wall cracking.
The colors are useful for diaphragms to help identify tension stresses since the diaphragm section cut sign convention is not intuitive to me, but I'm less interested in specific values for diaphragms
If I set both the max and min value to the cracking then I get a simple pass/fail image of the cracking extent. I might also associate specific stresses with membrane stiffness modifiers.
I was thinking to use the Stress Range slider for this. Typically that would help for isolating positive stresses, or highlighting extreme stresses. I'm a little confused as to the circumstances where a very specific stress result needed to be highlighted since the stresses are fluid or averaged. Is this for walls, or diaphragms?