I have a suggestion/idea. Why can't the program allow the user to open multiple windows in RAM SS?
It helps the user to understand more in a better way. As a beginner users will make mistakes or errors and it will make it easy for them to understand by comparing with another file.
Yes, I am looking to open two different models in two different windows, it help us to compare the results with earlier versions. In most software, this is common, we can open different files in different windows. But in RAM SS current version ( that I am having is limited to opening one file at a time.
Are you looking for an ability to have multiple sessions of RAM SS open at once? That will be difficult due to the way we handle file management. There is an ability to have multiple windows and a split view already, at least within the 3D modules (Ram Steel Column, Ram Frame, Ram Concrete and 3D view). Use Window - New Window...