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RAM Structural System

Showing 71

Manage inclined ramps in RSS

Analyze and design ramps that joins different levels in a structure, as the ones you find in parking structures, for both, concrete and steel.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Add Ability to Split Members in RAM Modeler

The ability to split members (beams and walls) in Modeler would be very helpful, rather than delete and reenter
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Needs review

Account for wall transfer loads on one-way deck

As far as I am aware, RSS does not track the load transfer when a wall is sitting on a one-way deck without a supporting beam or wall directly below. The loads from the wall above the deck is "lost". My firm does a lot of multi-family construction...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Change the way data is exported to CSV/Excel format

Currently when the user exports data to CSV, it's basically a text version of the pdf data output. The organization of data is difficult to post-process because the data has page headers based on load cases and combinations (among other items). At...
4 months ago in RAM Structural System 2 Needs review

RAM SS – Steel Beam Module

Add Fixed end beams to the gravity beams for design.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Wall Design - too many redundant design warnings

I don't need multiple design warnings for the same condition. For example, I have an out-of-plane shear strength warning for one of my segments. I have 26 warnings (associated with 26 combinations) for the same condition. The "worst" one listed in...
5 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Reports for meshed shear wall reactions

Currently you can only export the end reactions to a report. It would be beneficial to be able to export the reactions at ever node (specifically to a text file) a long the wall for foundation design.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Absolute Member Force Envelope

In the Analysis -> Load Combinations we are able to view a member force envelope for the Max or Min, but not the absolute value for worst case loading. When looking at a braced frame elevation with brace axial loads, in order to determine the a...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Needs review

Apply different % composite rules for different members

We generally require a different minimum % composite for beams as opposed to girders. It would be beneficial to apply member specific rules, similar to how different deflection criteria is applied.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Fixed End Composite Beam Deflection In RAM Beam

It would be very useful to be able to calculate the deflection of fixed-end composite beams in RAM Beam.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review