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Apply Lateral Point(Nodal)/Line Loads Logically

Below is a list of thoughts about lateral point(nodal)/line loads. Incorporating any of the below ideas would be helpful. 1. Allow the user to apply lateral line loads as well as lateral point(nodal) loads. 2. Allow the user to apply lateral point...
5 months ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Point Loads on Areas

Ability to add point loads or line loads to areas. Areas would then distribute the loads to the supporting members based on the direction of the area.
8 months ago in RAM Elements 0 Needs review

Manage inclined ramps in RSS

Analyze and design ramps that joins different levels in a structure, as the ones you find in parking structures, for both, concrete and steel.
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Add Ability to Split Members in RAM Modeler

The ability to split members (beams and walls) in Modeler would be very helpful, rather than delete and reenter
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 1 Needs review

Add CMU Material Defaults and Design

We design many buildings that include a combination of materials. Integrating masonry material properties by default and adding design for masonry would be useful, similar to Risa.
over 1 year ago in RAM Structural System 1 Future consideration

steel column base joint design

Currently, there are relatively few stiffening rib arrangements that can be selected in RAM. There is currently no way to customize the arrangement of stiffening ribs in the software. This brings inconvenience to project execution. It is hoped tha...
about 2 months ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review

Retaining Wall Module - Add Wall-soil friction angle for passive soils

It has come to my attention that the program is using the Foundation base-soil friction coefficient to compute the passive pressure resistance when using Columb (it's using this to back calculate "delta"). To be frank, this is just wrong IMO. The ...
5 months ago in RAM Elements 0 Needs review

Updating Cracked Factors in Ram Modeler should not delete wall design groups/section cuts/rebar assignments in RAM Concrete Wall

Currently, if the user sets up wall designs in Ram Concrete Wall, updating the cracked factor in RAM Modeler deletes all Concrete Wall groups/section cuts/rebar assignments/etc stating that "the geometry of the wall was updated." This gets extreme...
7 months ago in RAM Structural System 1 Planned

Account for wall transfer loads on one-way deck

As far as I am aware, RSS does not track the load transfer when a wall is sitting on a one-way deck without a supporting beam or wall directly below. The loads from the wall above the deck is "lost". My firm does a lot of multi-family construction...
over 2 years ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Merge multiple connections which happen at one joint

I had a connection that required a shear connection framing from one beam, a moment connection from another beam and a horizontal brace from another beam all at one column. The detailer needed a combined detail merged as one. As another example, w...
about 2 months ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review