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RAM Connection

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Agregar mas opciones de tipos de conectores de Corte

Agregar la verificación de conectores de corte tipo Cruz, con perfiles tipo W HEA, HEB o perfiles Tubulares (circulares o cuadrados) dentro del la interfas de RAM que esta dentro del Staad Pro.
10 days ago in RAM Connection 3 Future consideration

Shear reinforcement check for concrete breakout in shear lug case

Referring to Fig. R17.7.2.1a & Fig. R17.11.3.1 from ACI318-19 (refer attached sketch), these are the two similar concrete breakout failures one in case of Anchor bolts (case 1) and other for shear lug (case 2). In both cases, concrete breakout...
about 1 month ago in RAM Connection 1 Future consideration

Have a bigger cross hair.

Hi Karl, I hope this message finds you well, may I please request to include a full screen crosshair (just like in AutoCAD) in the program so that we can see if the tendon is in a same line when separated by an opening or when the slab is very lar...
9 days ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

impresión de reportes de juntas

Sería ideal que en futuras versiones de RAM Connection se incorpore la funcionalidad de imprimir los reportes de las juntas de forma simultánea. Esto evitaría la necesidad de imprimirlos uno por uno, lo cual puede resultar un proceso tedioso y poc...
2 months ago in RAM Connection 1 Planned

• Does RAM Connection support Box Columns (Double ISMB/ISMC) with strengthening plates for moment-resisting or shear connections? (see attached drawing) • Can RAM Connection be customized for specific load cases, codes, or connection types? · Can RAM Connection design connections for base plates and bracing using Box Columns with strengthening plates?

It could be useful for companies like Spray Engineering, Cheema Boilers etc. Composite Connections are also in demand.
2 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Designing a Vertical X-brace connection with one member continuous

99% of the details I have seen for vertical x-bracing shows one member continuous. I design a lot of connections for a steel fabricator and I am always required to perform a hand calc or 2 ram connection calcs with one being the horizontal X-brace...
11 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Planned

Applied Beta Angle of a member in STAAD model isn't working in RAM connection design

I have few members of a structure frame that were oriented 90 degree using Beta Angle. However, this applied Beta Angle no more works in RAM connection when I try to design a connection in STAAD RAM connection.
2 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

RAM Connection should have the capability to design any kind of joints

It becomes difficult when there is no template that can apply to joint for connection design. For instance, I have I-section column and hollow rectangular section beam. There is no template that can design such kind of joint.
2 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Allow gusset BASE PLATE connections to be assigned at corner columns connected to braces in two directions.

Currently, there is no way to design a gusset base plate connection if the column base has braces coming into it from 2 different planes. You can't even assign 2 separate connections, one for each plane, like you can at CBB joints.
about 1 year ago in RAM Connection 0 Planned

Ram Connection Report Formatting within Staad

ram standalone has reports, etc updated yet that is not available within Ram when you work directly within staad...why not? Current report formatting for Ram is awful
3 months ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review