Provide a command to copy beam span reinforcing for beam span to adjacent Beam Line similar to the "Copy beam line to beam line." This is a "time saving" feature. This feature would need to "overlook" beam lentgh differeces.
RAM Concrete Beam Module - Effective Depth d for different Beam Directions
It is common to set the primary steel effective depth "d" at one depth for all beams in one direction (ie, North / South). The used a different effective "d2" depth for the transverse beams reinforcing steel (ie, East / West) to pass below. This c...
Within the concrete column view update, the following improvements to be implemented - Display the story name (i.e. PH Roof) instead of just story number, including the size. The ability to change the size and even define new sizes (e.g. 18x36, 18...
I am wondering if there has been any progress on implementing 50% unbalanced snow loads for cantilevers. In a forum post from 2020, Seth Guthrie said that it was on the backlog (
It would be very useful to be able to input width and/or length of base plate dimensions. If width is input, length would be optimized or if length is input, width would be optimized, or if both dimensions were input it would do code checks based ...
Add the ability to explicitly define the flange bracing points or unbraced length for beam top and bottom flanges. Currently the program options are limited to only specify whether or not the deck provides flange bracing, but for structures withou...
Shear Wall Design Groups and Reinforcement gets deleted if I change f'c or stiffness modifiers or thicknesses.
Please revise shear wall module to not automatically delete sections cuts, groups, wall reinforcing, etc. when I change f'c, wall stiffness modifiers, or thicknesses.