RAM concrete ignores out-of-plane shear stress less than 0.000050 ksi. Allow us to increase this threshold or ignore it entirely. I'm still getting walls flagged for 0.2 kips of out-of-plane shear in a 10' wide by 26" thick wall.
Updating Cracked Factors in Ram Modeler should not delete wall design groups/section cuts/rebar assignments in RAM Concrete Wall
Currently, if the user sets up wall designs in Ram Concrete Wall, updating the cracked factor in RAM Modeler deletes all Concrete Wall groups/section cuts/rebar assignments/etc stating that "the geometry of the wall was updated." This gets extreme...
Allow gusset BASE PLATE connections to be assigned at corner columns connected to braces in two directions.
Currently, there is no way to design a gusset base plate connection if the column base has braces coming into it from 2 different planes. You can't even assign 2 separate connections, one for each plane, like you can at CBB joints.
Adding tendons shop drawing chairs (each 1m or any distance specified by the user) will be very effective and useful for users and for bentley, all other softwares for PT design have now tendons shop drawing this will make a big disadvantage for r...
include coordinate system under the help file for Loads
can we include the coordinates in the Load's help window, as it's a bit difficult to understand the way Moments need to be applied (forces can be understood from the X & Y, and vertical towards gravity, it just says around X/Z and not its dire...
Incorporate Floorvibe version 3.1 into RAM Structural System beam design module.
Floorvibe version 3.1 utilizes analysis procedures in the 2nd Edition of AISC Design Guide 11, while version 3.0 is based on the 1st Edition. Calculations based on the 1st edition tend to underpredict vibration for walker paces less than 100 steps...