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Add rebar class to the API

Add rebar class to the API. This will help in developing interoperability plugins between RAM and BIM/CAD software.
3 days ago in RAM Concept 1 Future consideration

Agregar mas opciones de tipos de conectores de Corte

Agregar la verificación de conectores de corte tipo Cruz, con perfiles tipo W HEA, HEB o perfiles Tubulares (circulares o cuadrados) dentro del la interfas de RAM que esta dentro del Staad Pro.
about 1 month ago in RAM Connection 3 Future consideration

ASCE 7 Minimum Wind Load Application

ASCE 7 (10, 16, and 22 versions) section 27.1.5 specifies a minimum wind load on the entire building projected area (see commentary). This should be applied as a separate load case. RAM Frame treats this as individual floors shall not receive less...
10 days ago in RAM Structural System 0 Needs review

Shear reinforcement check for concrete breakout in shear lug case

Referring to Fig. R17.7.2.1a & Fig. R17.11.3.1 from ACI318-19 (refer attached sketch), these are the two similar concrete breakout failures one in case of Anchor bolts (case 1) and other for shear lug (case 2). In both cases, concrete breakout...
2 months ago in RAM Connection 1 Planned

WT stem down directly bolted to the gusset

No description provided
9 days ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Early Age Strength Checks for Temporary Loading during Construction

It is well documented that all slabs undergo a variety of loading combinations during construction when the concrete has not yet achieved its target design strength. In the UK this is commonly during the second and third weeks, following the slab ...
10 days ago in RAM Concept 0 Future consideration

As,mn for Beam per

It looks like RAM concept design minimum beam reinforcements per & 2., this section provides minimum reinforcement greater of 3Sqrt(fc)/fy*b*d and 200/fy*bd. However, per If As provided at every section is at least one-third gr...
26 days ago in RAM Concept 1 Future consideration

Ease of Modelling Structure

Hi Karl, I hope this message finds you well. May I suggest adding a feature in RAM Concept where the structure can be modelled/imported based on AutoCAD layers, so if I select polyline from acad in Concept and ask it to import it as a slab and lik...
15 days ago in RAM Concept 0 Future consideration

Adding continuous footing design option to CMU or concrete wall design shells

Using the analysis results from FEM and wall end support node reactions of shells, it would be great to have the option to design continuous footings via the foundation module similar to the spread and combined footings design module, or via extra...
8 days ago in RAM Elements 0 Needs review

Stiffeners for Skewed Angled Shear Connections

I believe it would be beneficial to incorporate stiffeners into skewed angled shear connections to enhance their strength and stability. Implementing this adjustment could improve performance and overall structural integrity.
10 days ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review