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Add Stainless steel materials

It would be nice to have an option for Stainless Materials (304/304L, 316, and 316L mainly), especially bolts. But also include built-up stainless equivalent shapes and stainless weld wire. There is a new AISC Stainless code (AISC 313-21) out that...
over 2 years ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Add optional check box to segment at distance

Many times I would like to continue to segment the member at a certain distance until the distance is less than that specified distance. this can be implemented with a simple check box.
almost 3 years ago in RAM Elements 0 Already exists

Save the last # Design States

There should be an option to automatically save the last two or three designed states or be able to ctrl z back to them. Could be saved as separate files, or just maintain the data internally. Preferrably would keep the data internal. I hate when ...
almost 3 years ago in RAM Elements 1 Needs review

Add a setting to adjust or define default materials/properties

There should be a feature in RAM Connection settings where you can go in and define defaults to all the variables for the project and for the program in general. For example, if I am doing a project where I have a series of connections, and I kn...
about 3 years ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review

Allow more functionality related to project reports

Currently there's an option to modify project info (name, description etc) however I've never been able to work out where that information actually gets displayed. It would be nice if the program had the ability to create a proper output report, t...
about 3 years ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Ram Connections should allow multiple changes in connection parameters (gusset and shear tab thickness, bolt sizes, etc.) before checking the design.

Ram Connections appears to recalculate everything for an entire connections as soon as a single parameter is changed (e.g., bolt size for left beam, gusset plate thickness for lower left brace, etc.). It would be more productive if Ram Connection ...
about 3 years ago in RAM Connection 2 Needs review

Ability to Select Joints when beam is selected

If I have a group of beams selected, I would like the ability to then select the joints at both ends of the beam. This seems to be an easier option to select similar joints that can be designed together. However, I may be missing an easier work flow.
about 3 years ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

New section

Hello, how can i insert new section in Sectio Data BAse (US) in RAM Connection?
over 3 years ago in RAM Connection 1 Already exists

Base Plate Analysis with Octagonal Column

Good Morning Every oneI have an octagonal light Pole that i need to check on its base i cant find the suitable column section for the analysis can i create one or import it such as section designer in SAP2000
almost 4 years ago in RAM Connection 0 Needs review

Add Angle Bar option for Column selections

Hi, I justa want to request to add an option for Angle Bar columns for Ram Connection. Angle bar columns are normally used for communication towers, either 3-legged or 4-legged. Regards,Nicolas
over 2 years ago in RAM Connection 1 Needs review